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There are two main entity types (although some industries may require other types): Corporations and Limited Liability Companies. They both provide limitations of liability for owners and managers but have different tax ramifications. Deciding which type of entity will work for your small to medium-sized business can be tricky. That is where Atom Law Group is the firm you can count on.
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify a business for tax purposes. It is similar to a Social Security number for an individual, but it is used to identify a business entity.
EINs are free to obtain and can be obtained through the IRS website, by mail, by fax, or by phone. It's important to note that once an EIN is obtained, it should be kept confidential, as it is used to identify the business for tax purposes and should not be shared with third parties unless required by law.
An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required to have a taxpayer identification number but do not have and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number (SSN). ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status.
A foreign owner of a U.S. company may need an ITIN if they are required to file a U.S. tax return, such as if they receive income from the U.S. company or they are a shareholder and the company pays dividends to them. Additionally, an ITIN is required if an individual wants to claim a refund of taxes paid or certain tax credits or if they are required to furnish a number to the payer of certain types of income.
Phone: (312) 943-8000